C Function Definition

When writing assembly code, I can call standard C functions like printf and exit using the gcc compiler but first I need a few changes in the code:

extern printf
extern exit

section .data
	msg db "Hello World!", 0
	msg1 db "Another Hello!", 0
	fmt db "Output is: %s %s",10,0

section .text
    global main

	push msg
	push fmt
	call printf
	push 1
	call exit
  • extern is used to tell the assembler that the function is defined elsewhere;
  • printf and exit are functions that are defined in the C standard library;
  • Instead of global _start, I use global main because the gcc compiler expects a main;
  • PUSH is used to push data into the stack;
  • CALL is used to call a function;

Stack Usage

The stack is a Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) data structure, meaning the last item pushed onto the stack is the first one to be popped off. Picture it like stacking plates in a cafeteria tray, the last plate I put on top is the first one I’ll take off when I need it.

Taking into account the previous example:

  • My print function parameters are printf(format, message);
  • I first PUSH msg and then PUSH fmt onto the stack;

This order might seem counterintuitive at first because I usually think of passing arguments in the order they are listed. However, the arguments are pushed in reverse order, ensuring that the function receives them in the correct sequence.

Compiling with GCC

Generate the object file using nasm and compile the final binary using gcc:

nasm -f elf32 -o program_name.o program_name.s
gcc -no-pie -m32 -o program_name program_name.o 
  • -no-pie flag is used to disable the Position Independent Executable feature;
  • -m32 flag specifies the target architecture as 32 bits for x86;
  • -f flag is used to specify the input format, in this case, elf32;

Position Independent Executable (PIE) is a feature that modern operating systems and compilers use to randomize the base address of executables in memory. This randomness helps to avoid security attacks like buffer overflow by making it difficult for attackers to predict memory layouts. However, in some cases, fixed addresses may be needed for compatibility or performance reasons.