I already knew this in C, which is called bitwise operators. It’s a fast way to multiply or divide by powers of 2. For example, shifting a number to the left by 1 is equivalent to multiplying it by 2. Similarly, shifting a number to the right by 1 is equivalent to dividing it by 2.

Operator Description Result
shr Logical Right Shift Shifts the bits to the right
shl Logical Left Shift Shifts the bits to the left
sar Arithmetic Right Shift Shifts the bits to the right, preserving the sign bit
sal Arithmetic Left Shift Shifts the bits to the left, preserving the sign bit

SHR Operation

The shr instruction is used to perform logical right shift operations. It shifts the bits of the operand to the right by a specified number of bits.

section .text
    .global _start
        move eax, 2 ; 0010 = 2
        shr eax, 1  ; shift the bits to the right one spot -> 0001 = 1
                    ; this equivelent to dividing by 2 but it's faster

SHL Operation

The shl instruction is used to perform logical left-shift operations. It shifts the bits of the operand to the left by a specified number of bits.

section .text
    .global _start

        move eax, 2 ; 0010 = 2
        shl eax, 1  ; shift the bits to the left one spot -> 0100 = 4
                    ; this equivelent to multiplying by 2 but it's faster

SAR Operation

The sar instruction is used to perform arithmetic right shift operations. It shifts the bits of the operand to the right by a specified number of bits, while preserving the sign bit.

section .text
    .global _start

        move eax, -2 ; 1110 = -2
        sar eax, 1  ; shift the bits to the right one spot -> 1111 = -1
                    ; this equivelent to dividing by 2 but it's faster

SAL Operation

The sal instruction is used to perform arithmetic left shift operations. It shifts the bits of the operand to the left by a specified number of bits, while preserving the sign bit.

section .text
    .global _start

        move eax, -2 ; 1110 = -2
        sal eax, 1  ; shift the bits to the left one spot -> 1100 = -4
                    ; this equivelent to multiplying by 2 but it's faster