Declaration of Variables

section .data
    num DB 1
    num2 DB 2

section .text
    global _start

    MOV bl,[num]
    MOV cl,[num2]
  • Declared one-byte variable for num and num2, with initial values of 1 and 2 respectively;
  • Loaded the values of the declared variables into the bl and cl registers, which represent the lower 8 bits of the bx and cx registers;

Efficient Memory Usage

  • x86 maximizes memory usage by storing bytes next to each other;
  • Accessing a single byte from a memory slot, I will retrieve the entire 32-bit chunk it belongs to;
  • Accessing these values directly can lead to unexpected results due to x86’s memory efficiency;

Register Referencing

  • Removing the e (ebx -> bx) prefix slices the register in 16 bits;
  • Removing the e and x (ebx -> bl or bh) suffix references the lower or higher 8-bit parts;

High vs. Low Bits

  • By referencing the lower 8 bits of the registers, I ensure we’re working with the correct byte-sized data;
  • Setting high bits (bh or ch) affects the interpretation of the entire register;
  • High bits are interpreted differently due to their position in the binary representation;