First Steps

Let’s continue with the previous code and print a message to the screen using the bootloader, the program is set up as follows:

org 0x7c00
bits 16

    mov ax, 0

    mov ds, ax
    mov es, ax
    mov ss, ax

    mov sp, 0x7c00
  • ax is set to 0 to establish a consistent starting point for the program;
  • ds (data segment), es (extra segment), and ss (stack segment) are initialized to 0 to clear them;
  • sp is set to 0x7c00, pointing to the bootloader address;

Before execution, registers si, ax, and bx are pushed onto the stack to preserve their values during the function’s execution.

    push si
    push ax
    push bx
  • si (source index) used to store the address of the message string (starting point);
  • ax utilized for passing parameters to BIOS interrupts;
  • These parameters include the function number ah and sometimes data to be printed al;
  • bx is preserved by pushing it onto the stack but remains unused throughout the function;

Printing Loop

Within the print function, a loop is established to iterate over the characters of the message string.

    or al, al
    jz print_done

    mov ah, 0x0e
    mov bh, 0
    int 0x10

    jmp print_loop
  • lodsb loads a byte from the memory location specified by the si into the al;
  • Additionally, it automatically increments the si register to point to the next byte in memory;
  • or al, al checks if al is zero, indicating the end of the string;
  • jz print_done if the zero flag is set, the program jumps to the print_done label;
  • The character stored in al is printed to the screen using BIOS interrupt 0x10 with function 0x0e;
  • jmp print_loop jumps back to the print_loop label to continue iterating over the characters;

Running the Program

org 0x7c00              ; set origin to 0x7c00, default address where the BIOS loads the bootloader

bits 16                 ; set the assembly to 16-bit mode, typical for bootloader code

    mov ax, 0           ; clear the ax register
    mov ds, ax          ; set the data segment to 0, effectively clearing it
    mov es, ax          ; set the extra segment to 0, effectively clearing it
    mov ss, ax          ; set the stack segment to 0, effectively clearing it

    mov sp, 0x7c00      ; set the stack pointer to the bootloader address, where the bootloader is loaded
    mov si, os_boot_msg ; load the address of the OS boot message into the source index register
    call print          ; call the print function to print the OS boot message
    hlt                 ; Halt the processor, essentially doing nothing

    jmp halt            ; Infinite loop, jumping back to itself, effectively halting the processor indefinitely

    push si             ; save the source index register on the stack
    push ax             ; save the ax register on the stack
    push bx             ; save the bx register on the stack

    lodsb               ; load the byte at the address in SI into AL and increment SI
    or al, al           ; check if AL is zero (end of string)
    jz print_done       ; if AL is zero, end of string, jump to print_done

    mov ah, 0x0e        ; set the BIOS teletype function to print the character in AL
    mov bh, 0           ; set the page number to 0
    int 0x10            ; call BIOS interrupt 0x10 to print the character in AL

    jmp print_loop      ; jump back to print_loop to continue printing characters

    pop bx
    pop ax
    pop si

    db "OS Booting...", 0x0D, 0x0A, 0

times 510-($-$$) db 0   ; fill the rest of the bootloader space with zeros to ensure it's padded up to 510 bytes
dw 0xaa55               ; boot signature, indicating to the BIOS that this is a bootable device