Bootloader Process

Bootloaders are programs responsible for initializing hardware and starting the operating system.

When a PC boots in legacy mode, the following sequence occurs:

  1. It enters the BIOS (Basic Input Output System);
  2. The BIOS initiates the boot process by accessing the boot sequence, which determines the order in which devices are checked for bootable code;
  3. Each device in the boot sequence is accessed, and its first sector, known as the MBR (Master Boot Record), is loaded into memory at address 0x7c00;
  4. The BIOS checks for a signature 0xaa55 at the end of the 512 byte sector loaded into memory at 0x7c00;
  5. If the signature is found, the BIOS transfers control to the bootloader code at memory address 0x7c00, initiating the execution of the bootloader;

In the context of traditional x86 BIOS bootloaders, the bootloader is typically 512 bytes in size. This is because the MBR, which contains the bootloader code, occupies the first sector 512 bytes of a storage device such as a hard disk or a floppy disk.

Project Structure

  • Build Folder: Files generated during the build process, like img and bin;
  • Source Folder: Source code for the bootloader, example simple_bootloader.asm;
  • Makefile: This file automates the build process, it’s called Makefile;

Writing the Bootloader

To create the bootloader, I will follow these steps:

  • Use org directive to set the origin address to 0x7c00;
  • Set the processor mode to bits 16;
  • Use hlt to halt the CPU after execution;
  • Create an infinite loop using jmp halt to ensure the CPU remains halted;
  • Fill the remaining space in the 512 byte sector with zeros using times 510-($-$$) db 0;
  • Add the signature dw 0xaa55 at the end of the bootloader;
org 0x7c00
bits 16


    jmp halt

    times 510-($-$$) db 0
    dw 0xaa55

org is used to specify the origin address, starting address for the code or data that follows it. In this case, I set the origin address to 0x7c00 to align with the memory location where the bootloader is loaded.

16 bits is the standard processor mode for bootloaders, ensuring compatibility with legacy systems. After that, depending on the operating system, the processor mode can be switched to 32 bits or 64 bits.

Writing the Makefile

To build the bootloader and automate the process, I need to create a Makefile:

# Assembler

# Directories

# Targets
$(BUILD_DIR)/main.img: $(BUILD_DIR)/main.bin
	cp $(BUILD_DIR)/main.bin $(BUILD_DIR)/main.img
	truncate -s 1440k $(BUILD_DIR)/main.img

# Build
$(BUILD_DIR)/main.bin: $(SRC_DIR)/main.asm
	$(ASM) $(SRC_DIR)/main.asm -f bin -o $(BUILD_DIR)/main.bin

Running the Bootloader

To test the bootloader, I use an emulator like qemu:

qemu-system-i386 -fda build/main.img
  • qemu-system-i386 is the emulator to run the bootloader in x86 mode;
  • -fda specifies the floppy disk image to boot from;
  • build/main.img is the path to the floppy disk image;

qemu is a popular emulator that can run x86 operating systems. I can also run the bootloader on real hardware by writing the image to a USB drive.