ADD Operation

The add instruction is used to perform addition operations.

section .data

section .text
    global _start

    mov eax, 2      ; Load value 5 into eax
    mov ebx, 3      ; Load value 3 into ebx
    add eax, ebx    ; Add ebx to eax

This instruction adds the value in ebx to eax and stores the result in eax. So, after this operation, eax should contain the sum of the two numbers 5. Also, I can use a number like 2 in binary as 0b00000010 and in hexadecimal as 0x02.

Handling Carry Flag

The Carry Flag CF is another crucial aspect, especially when dealing with arithmetic operations involving limited register sizes. Consider a scenario where the result exceeds the capacity of the destination register.

section .data

section .text
    global _start

    mov al, 0xFF    ; Load value 255 into al
    mov bl, 1       ; Load value 1 into bl
    add al, bl      ; Add 1 to al

In this case, the result of the addition operation is 256, which is too large to fit into the al register. In such cases, the extra bits are carried over and stored in the CF of the EFLAGS register. I can utilize the adc instruction to incorporate this carry into subsequent operations.

ADC Operation

The adc (add with carry) instruction is used to perform addition operations with a carry.

section .data

section .text
    global _start

    mov al, 0xFF    ; Load value 255 into al
    mov bl, 1       ; Load value 1 into bl
    add al, bl      ; Add 1 to al
    adc al, 0       ; Add the carry flag to the result

In this case, the adc instruction adds the value in the CF to the result of the previous addition operation. This allows us to handle scenarios where the result exceeds the capacity of the destination register and carry over the extra bits.

SUB Operation

The sub instruction is used to perform subtraction operations.

section .data

section .text
    global _start

    mov al, 5       ; Load value 5 into al
    mov bl, 3       ; Load value 3 into bl
    sub al, bl      ; Subtract 3 from 5

This instruction subtracts the value in bl from al and stores the result in al. So, after this operation, al should contain the difference of the two numbers 2.

Now, as an example, let’s flip the numbers and see what happens:

section .data

section .text
    global _start

    mov al, 3       ; Load value 3 into al
    mov bl, 5       ; Load value 5 into bl
    sub al, bl      ; Subtract 5 from 3

In this case, the result of the subtraction operation is -2, which is a negative number. The SF (Sign Flag) in the EFLAGS register will be set to 1 to indicate that the result is negative.

Another example, what if I subtract a negative number with a positive number -2 + 2:

section .data

section .text
    global _start

    mov eax, 3      ; Load value 5 into eax
    mov ebx, 5      ; Load value 2 into ebx
    sub eax, ebx    ; Subtract 2 from 5
    mov ebx, 2      ; Load value 2 into ebx
    add eax, ebx    ; Add -2 to 2

In this case, the result of the subtraction operation is 0, which is the sum of the two numbers. The ZF (Zero Flag) in the EFLAGS register will be set to 1 to indicate that the result is zero.

MUL Operation

The mul instruction is used to perform multiplication operations, primarily for unsigned integers.

section .data

section .text
    global _start

    mov al, 2       ; Load value 5 into al
    mov bl, 3       ; Load value 3 into bl
    mul bl          ; Multiply al by bl

In this case, the mul instruction multiplies the value in bl by al and stores the result in al. So, after this operation, al should contain the product of the two numbers 6. The register a is a special register called the accumulator, it’s used for multiplication as the default destination for the operation.

In multiplication, it’s interesting because it only requires one operand, the other operand is implicitly the al register. The result of the multiplication operation is stored in the pair of registers ax and dx. The ax register contains the lower 16 bits of the result, while the dx register contains the higher 16 bits.

Let’s see another example with mul, where I multiply two unsigned numbers but the result is too large to fit in the ax register:

section .data

section .text
    global _start

    mov al, 0xFF    ; Load value 255 into al
    mov bl, 2       ; Load value 2 into bl
    mul bl          ; Multiply al by bl

In this case, the result of the multiplication operation is 510, which is too large to fit into the al register. The extra bits are stored in the ax register.

IMUL Operation

The imul instruction is used to perform multiplication operations, primarily for signed integers.

Now, let’s see an example with imul where I multiply two unsigned numbers:

section .data

section .text
    global _start

    mov al, 0xFF    ; Load value 255 (unsigned) into al = -1 (signed)
    mov bl, 2       ; Load value 2 (unsigned) into bl = 2 (signed)
    imul bl         ; Multiply al by bl
    int 80h         ; Interrupt

al in this case will be equal to -2. Even tho I used unsigned numbers, the program assumes the values are signed because of imul, so the result of the multiplication operation is -2, which is correct: 2 * -1 = -2.

DIV Operation

The div instruction is used to perform division operations.

section .data

section .text
    global _start

    mov eax, 11      ; Load value 11 into eax
    mov ecx, 2       ; Load value 2 into ecx
    div ecx          ; Divide eax by ecx = 5 remainder 1
    int 80h          ; Interrupt

In this case, the div instruction divides the value in eax by ecx and stores the quotient in eax and the remainder in edx. So, after this operation, eax should contain the quotient 5 and edx should contain the remainder 1. edx and not ecx because div uses edx:eax as the dividend.

IDIV Operation

The idiv instruction is used to perform division operations, primarily for signed integers.

section .data

section .text
    global _start

    mov eax, 0xff    ; Load value 255 (unsigned) into eax = -1 (signed)
    mov ecx, 2       ; Load value 2 into ecx
    idiv ecx         ; Divide eax by ecx = -1 remainder 1
    int 80h          ; Interrupt

In this case, the idiv instruction divides the value in eax by ecx and stores the quotient in eax and the remainder in edx. So, after this operation, eax should contain the quotient -1 and edx should contain the remainder 1.